Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sam's Club Run

Hello, Friends. Just a little while ago on my Facebook page, I posted the following status update:

"Julianne is dreading the Sam's run. Ugh, why do the best deals have to be in the biggest stores?"

Then I went to Sam's Club. Upon my return a few short hours later, I find several comments in response to my status. They are as follows:

"if only they sold their cupcakes by the single at the snackbar...it would make the hike through the store so totally worth it!" - from J.

"I need some bags of fruit please!!! If you'll grab that for me Jul, I'd appreciate it!!! :)" - from a different J.

"I'm running short of toilet paper. It would be great if you saved me the trip" - from yet another J.

"Oh, and the chicken breasts. Thankyouverymuch." - hmm. all my peeps are J's!

And these comments were left by people who don't live within 200 miles of me! Crazy folks!

This all made me wonder how many of us share the same feelings of doom when it's time to head to your local wholesale club?

So let it all hang out. What do you have on your list? What can't you live without from Sam's? And how do you feel about shopping there?


The Hunters said...

I would have to say I am a huge Costco fan! We are getting a brand new one on 141 and Manchester pretty soon and I can't wait to switch my membership there. My favorite things: organic produce, pasta sauce, milk and eggs. And...baby clothes, chocolate covered cranberries and diapers! I LOVE going there and never dread it, but I never go to Sams....what is it about that place?!

the Schusters said...

I dread Sam's on Saturdays. In the middle of the week, it's not so bad. I must say, my "must haves" list recently changed... It used to be toilet paper, paper towels, and tissues. As of February, add diapers, wipes and MORE diapers!

Anonymous said...

degree deoderant, mentadent, gatorade, bottled water, strawberries, diapers, wipes, clothes, photos. oh and of course any of the bakery items!

Ooh exciting that you are getting a costco...mom will be very excited to come shop it!

Janelle said...

Fruit. The fruit is amazing.
Mini Quiche.
a book or two.
toys at Christmas time.
Chicken Breast.
and a Pizza for dinner that night.

BUT who can resist the free sample ladies? If I time the trip just right then it becomes lunch.

Celeste said...

I'm not a Sam's Clubber. Am I going to loose cool points?

Julianne said...

Shelly,I had no idea about the Costco. Too fun! I think we might be switching wholesale clubs soon! :)

Celeste, you lose five cool points. And I'm a little disappointed in you, too. You're a family of FOUR and I have just THREE - I couldn't do it without Sam's!

Alana said...

Actually, I rarely go. But only because it is 40 minutes away. If it was closer I would visit more often!